Justin Roiland Has A Plan For Balancing ‘Rick And Morty’ And His VR Gaming Company

Adult Swim

Between Rick and Morty creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, it’s usually Dan that bears the brunt of the internet’s frothy anger when it comes to delays in us getting new episodes of our favorite show. That’s probably on account of his self-admitted perfectionist streak and heavy workload, which he’s never shy to talk about on Twitter or through podcasts. But as Justin Roiland’s Squanch Games ramps up following a successful showing at E3, some of that same over-anxious concern is starting to fall on his shoulders.

Don’t worry, though. Justin has a plan to make sure his work on virtual reality games like Trover Saves The Universe doesn’t bottleneck the 70 new Rick and Morty adventures we’ve been promised. According to Roiland, he’ll be dropping a lot of the production work he used to do on Rick and Morty in favor of staying purely in the writer’s room, as he told Variety in a new interview:

“The real key is delegating. And having really incredible people around you. There is no other way to do it … Moving into this new future, we have a writer who has been on from the beginning who we are giving a lot of those responsibilities to. I use to bridge production with the writing. That’s not me anymore. I’m focused on 100 percent creative and what I do best and most fun for me to do on the show.”

It also helps that Squanch Games is headquartered in the same building as Rick and Morty‘s production offices. As anyone living in Los Angeles without a portal gun knows, any commute could be bad enough to push season four back untold amounts of time. And here’s a new E3 trailer from Squanch Games.

(Via Variety)