Kanye West Makes A Surprise Appearance On ‘Jimmy Kimmel’ Instead Of Releasing ‘Jesus Is King’ On Time

Kanye West revealed yesterday his intention to release his new album, Jesus Is King, at midnight. Unsurprisingly given the fact that Kanye has missed multiple scheduled release dates for this album, the record was not released at midnight, and as of this post, it is still not out. He at least offered an explanation, though, writing on Twitter, “We are specifically fixing mixes on ‘Everything We Need’ ‘Follow God’ & ‘Water.'”

It turns out Kanye could have added more to his explanation about why the album is late: On last night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Kanye made a surprise appearance. During his time on the show, he showed clips from the Jesus Is King IMAX film, and spoke about God. Kanye expected that Jesus Is King would be released by the time Kimmel aired last night — on the show, he said, “It’s out now” — but alas, that was not the case.

Jimmy Kimmel Live! tapings usually begin at 4:30 p.m. (at least for regular episodes filmed in Los Angeles), so while Kanye likely visited Kimmel in the afternoon instead of during the late-night crunch of trying to finish the album, that’s still time he could have potentially spent finishing the album and avoiding another delay.

Watch Kanye’s appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! above.