The Disney+ Cut Of ‘Avengers: Endgame’ Restores A Touching Deleted Scene With Tony Stark

Assuming you can get Disney+ to work for you (and you don’t immediately binge Darkwing Duck or Gargoyles), you may want to re-watch Avengers: Endgame. I say “re-watch,” because it’s the highest-grossing movie of all-time — you’ve seen it. But you haven’t seen it with a scene between Tony Stark and his daughter, Morgan, as an adult.

13 Reasons Why star Katherine Langford was announced as a cast member for Endgame, but she didn’t appear in the theatrical cut, and her role wasn’t revealed until after the film came out. “There was an idea that we had that Tony was gonna go into the metaphysical way station that Thanos goes into… There was going to be a future version of [Stark’s] daughter in that way station,” co-director Joe Russo explained on the HappySadConfused podcast. “The intention was that his future daughter [forgave] him and gave him peace to go. But it was just too many ideas in an overly complicated movie.” He added that it was “really confusing” for the test audience Marvel showed it to, and “what we realized about it was we didn’t feel an emotional association with the adult version of his daughter.” Unlike the younger version, played by Lexi Rabe:

“This is originally what happened after Tony snapped his fingers,” Joe says in the deleted scene’s commentary. “We sent him to what we would call ‘The Way Station’ to mirror what happened with Thanos with his daughter in Infinity War.” Anthony adds, “The idea is that this moment, that act forces you to confront or reconcile something that is unresolved in yourself and your soul.” (Via)

The deleted scene, which ends with Tony telling his daughter, “I love you 3,000,” is available on Disney+ in the film’s “Extras” section.