Somebody Paid Mark McGrath To Make A Cameo Video That Ended A Sugar Ray Fan’s Relationship

Update: Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your perspective), the viral Mark McGrath break-up video turned out to be a hoax.

The original post follows below.

Cameo, for those not familiar, is a platform where anybody can pay a celebrity to record a custom video message for whoever they want. It’s a neat way to give somebody a special moment, and it’s an easy way for artists to make a few extra bucks (or raise money for charity, as some artists use the platform to do). One would think that most people would make use of this service to send positive messages, and that’s probably true generally, but somebody decided to leverage the platform to have Sugar Ray singer Mark McGrath do some dirty work for them.

McGrath, who charges $100 for a Cameo video (to benefit (RED)), was commissioned to record a video in which he informed a Sugar Ray fan that they were being broken up with. Somebody named Cheyenne booked McGrath to deliver the rough news to a poor guy named Braden, and McGrath begins this unenviable task by saying, “This Cameo was booked by Cheyenne, and she wants you to know a few things. This is a little difficult for me to say because this is the first one of these that I’ve done, but she wants you to know that you mean a lot to her. You mean the world to her.”

Then McGrath drops the hammer: “But she’s having difficulty staying in this long-distance relationship.”

McGrath tries to end things on a positive note, saying that he hopes he and Braden (and even Cheyenne) can get together and laugh about this whole situation someday: “She wants you to stay positive, she wants you to be friends, and she knows that you’re a fan of the band Sugar Ray, which, I am honored. I wish I was delivering you good news. Hopefully I can see you backstage, give you a high five some day, dude, and we can maybe laugh about this sometime. Hopefully we all can! Cheyenne, Braden, all of us, we all could hang out.”

Making this sort of video (hopefully) isn’t something that McGrath has to do every morning, but ultimately, he handled it about as well as somebody in his position could.

Watch the tragic video above.