‘The Walking Dead’ Cut A Weird Sex Scene Between Eugene And A Recently Departed Character

Minor Spoilers up to The Walking Dead‘s most recent episode

Though we never saw her zombify, actress Lindsley Register has confirmed that her character Laura was killed in the most recent episode of The Walking Dead after Beta threw her against the wall. RIP Laura, who joined Alfred among the dead this week. The difference: Alfred deserved to die, while Laura — a reformed Savior — did not.

Laura, in fact, was one of the few Saviors remaining on the series, along with Alden and the leader of the Saviors, Negan, who engaged in a very uncomfortable and wholly unsanitary sex scene in the midseason premiere with Alpha and a skin mask. In related news, Laura also once shot a “really fun sex scene with Eugene” that didn’t make it on the air. With Eugene? What?

Back in season 8, when things looked particularly grim in the Savior compound, Register’s character wanted to have sex one last time before she died, and Eugene was just the warm body she needed, as she told The Independent:

One day I’m on set and our director is like, “I can’t tell you why but you’re gonna love the next episode’s script.” I get it and there’s this scene where Eugene’s in the Saviors’ compound and the walkers have got in. I think we’re gonna die so I come into his room and we have sex. I’m like, “Don’t think too highly of this ― I’m only doing it because we’re gonna die.” He’s all shaken. It was so funny.

The official The Walking Dead Twitter account confirmed Laura’s story by tweeting #ReleasetheLauraCut. Meanwhile, screenwriter Corey Reed also recalled the incident on Twitter, recounting that Eugene kept his socks on, which definitely tracks.

The Walking Dead returns with a major battle against The Whisperers this Sunday on AMC. Eugene will definitely be wearing his socks.

Source: The Independent via HuffPo