Indie Mixtape 20: Delta Sleep All Got Tattoos To Commemorate Their First Japanese Tour

UK emo outfit Delta Sleep have been steadily rolling out music since the beginning of the 2010’s, and they are kicking off the 2020’s with another brand new record. Spring Island finds the quartet continuing to hone their craft and push their songwriting boundaries. The resulting effort allows them to build on their momentum and leverage their international fanbase into the United States.

To celebrate the new album, Dave Jackson sat down to talk Steely Dan, ‘The Big Lebowski,’ and touring in Italy the latest Indie Mixtape 20 Q&A.

What are four words you would use to describe your music?

Is that in 4/4?

It’s 2050 and the world hasn’t ended and people are still listening to your music. How would you like it to be remembered?

Maybe we will still be releasing music…That would make us like 60 but you never know! If not, let us be remembered for the soft heaters.

What’s your favorite city in the world to perform?

That’s a very tough question as every country has its energy but I will say that in the US we always have incredible shows in Chicago and Philly. They know what’s going on! Italy holds a special place in our hearts as well – Bologna in particular or anywhere in the Reggio Emilia region.

Who’s the person who has most inspired your work, and why?

As cheesy as it sounds, probably my dad – He used to play guitar every night in the kitchen which was right below my bedroom and eventually it inspired me to pick up a guitar.

Where did you eat the best meal of your life?

Just outside a little town in North Italy called Correggio we sat down with our friends in Valerian Swing and had easily one of the best meals of my life. Cappoletti, Melon & Prosciutto, some lambrusco on the side. Spent.

What album do you know every word to?

The Offspring – Americana.

What was the best concert you’ve ever attended?

Deftones on their Diamond Eyes Tour was pretty lovely, with Coheed And Cambria supporting as well.

What is the best outfit for performing and why?


Who’s your favorite person to follow on Twitter and/or Instagram?

Francis Bourgeois. If you know, you know.

What’s your most frequently played song in the van on tour?

We usually have a song on each tour that becomes our anthem, the most recent was “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” by Crash Test Dummies and I have no idea why…It started out with us repeating the song just to try and figure out what the hell he’s saying. Give it a go.

What’s the last thing you Googled?


What album makes for the perfect gift?

I’d recommend Veneer by Jose Gonzalez for anyone who is in need of a warm and cozy summer hug right now.

Where’s the weirdest place you’ve ever crashed while on tour?

Not sure what sort of crash you mean….Car Crash, we reversed into a massive bollard in Boston and then had our van towed away for parking in a private zone all within the space of 30 mins. Falling asleep, we’ve played a lot of weird places on tour over the years – We’ve slept in an abandoned hospital outside of Florence, a capsule hotel in Osaka (where Glen had a proper night terror), but one of the strangest was an abandoned government building that was built on a hill overlooking Genoa in Italy. It was built in the shape of a massive letter ‘M’ for Mousilini back in the day, a very weird place.

What’s the story behind your first or favorite tattoo?

I got my first tattoo on tour in Japan, in fact we all got the same tattoo which was a Gyza dumpling that had Hello Kitty eyes. We all decided it would be fun to get a tour tattoo for our first tour in Japan but it turns out getting a tattoo, or at least back then, was pretty difficult in Japan and the only place we could find near to us in Tokyo was some chap operating out of a flat in an apartment block. Seemed legit at the time…

What artists keep you from flipping the channel on the radio?

Steely Dan.

What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

We get lots of lovely gifts from fans, last time out in the US someone (sorry I don’t know your name) stitched the Ghost City album artwork for us, if you check out the Soft Sounds version of Afterimage you’ll see Blake sporting it on his makeshift kit.

What’s one piece of advice you’d go back in time to give to your 18-year-old self?

Don’t join a band if you’re the only one that can drive.

What’s the last show you went to?

It’s been a while for everyone I guess but the last show I can remember was Cult of Luna in London and they blew everyone away. Hands down one of the best live bands out there.

What movie can you not resist watching when it’s on TV?

The Big Lebowski, gets me everytime!

What would you cook if Kanye were coming to your house for dinner?

Fish Sticks.

Spring Island is out November 12 via Sofa Boy Records. Pre-order it here.