Slayyyter And Big Freedia Join Forces As WWE Divas For Their ‘Stupid Boy’ Collaboration

Not only is Slayyyter one of the rising pop stars we picked to have a banner year in 2022, but today she’s announced a brand new collab with none other than New Orleans Bounce legend Big Freedia. Earlier this year Slayyyter finally shared her debut album, Troubled Paradise, after popping off big with some early viral hits like “Daddy AF” and “Throatzilla.” So needless to say Slayyyter, aka Catherine Slater and Big Freedia, aka Freddie Ross, have a raunchy streak in common.

For their new song, “Stupid Boy,” the pair roast a potential suitor who may think he’s in control of the situation but, in fact, is being played like a fiddle. Complete with a dance breakdown and boxing ring photo shoot, the song really picks up in the back half when Freedia brings the heat with an unstoppable verse. Slayyyter said she wanted the vibe of the song to evoke WWE divas, and that has definitely been achieved.

“The song came together when I was in a session with my boyfriend Colin and friends Owen Jackson and Miles Comaskey,” Slayyyter said of the song. “We were cutting vocals for something else and Colin and Owen emerged from a back room with a new song idea called “Stupid Boy.” They gave me a poem of silly lyrics to read in a sexy voice and then they turned it into an absolute club banger. We hit Big Freedia’s team about being on it and they were down immediately. I added my own verse later on and the entire vibe of the song reminded me of the powerful WWE divas which is where we took the inspiration for the visuals. It’s one of my favorite songs to date because I made it for fun with my friends.”

Big Freedia is a Warner Music artist. .