Steph Curry Called The Children’s Book Version Of Fergie’s All-Star National Anthem ‘The Best Thing I Have Ever Seen’

Fergie sang the national anthem at the 2018 NBA All-Star Game. While plenty of folks have received heaps of praise for their own renditions of “The Star-Spangled Banner,” Fergie’s version, uh, didn’t do that. Instead, cameras caught a handful of people listening laughing — Draymond Green and Steph Curry both found it hilarious, LeBron James and Kevin Durant appeared to enjoy it, and Chance the Rapper and Jimmy Kimmel both cracked smiles from their seats.

The rendition was famously remixed by the Warriors, who danced to it just days after Fergie’s ex-husband, Josh Duhamel, said Green was “kind of a prick” for laughing at it. And now, the anthem has been immortalized in the form of a children’s book titled The Fergamerican National Anthem, which takes it and spells out the lyrics as they were sang by Fergie.

You can, indeed, purchase this, so while it would have been extremely good as a thing made one time as part of a bit on the internet, this is even better. Don’t take my word for it, take Curry’s, as the Warriors’ star caught wind of this and is a huge fan.

Perhaps one day things related to this anthem will stop being funny, but today is very much not that day.