Britney Spears Seemingly Throws Shade At Her Parents With A Childlike Instagram Post

Britney Spears has openly shared her feelings about her family in the months before and after her conservatorship came to an end, and it appears she subtly did so again with an Instagram post yesterday.

The image is formatted as a written test from elementary school. Shown is a three-part question, which asks, “Who is your hero,” “Who do you consider this person your hero,” and “Is there anything your hero is frightened of?” The respective answers, written in messy childlike handwriting, are “dad,” “he is brave,” and “mom.”

While most of Spears’ criticism about her family has been directed towards her father Jamie and her sister Jamie Lynn, this post appears to be along the same train of thought as a post Spears shared and deleted back in November, when she wrote, “My dad may have started the conservatorship 13 years ago .. but what people don’t know is is that my mom is the one who gave him the idea !!!! I will never get those years back …. she secretly ruined my life … and yes I will call her and Lou Taylor [Spears’ former business manager] out on it … so take your whole ‘I have NO IDEA what’s going on’ attitude and go f*ck yourself !!!! You know exactly what you did … my dad is not smart enough to ever think of a conservatorship ….. but tonight I will smile knowing I have a new life ahead of me !!!!”