Fiona Apple Shares A Statement About The Roe V. Wade Reversal: ‘We Do Not F*cking Accept This’

Fiona Apple rarely comes out of hiding. Usually, it’s only for occasional new music, like Fetch The Bolt Cutters, her first album in eight years, which arrived during the pandemic, or to discuss social issues, which she has always been passionate about, whether that be through words or through action.

She recently returned to talk about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, joining tons of other musicians in using their platform to effect change. She did so via a video on the Fiona Apple Rocks Youtube channel, saying: “I’m just one of a lot of women who need to keep on expressing that we do not f*cking accept this.”

She added: “We have to talk about how we feel about this, how unacceptable this is. We have to keep on expressing ourselves, because this is all about control. You know that. It’s all about control. It’s not about life. It’s about control. It’s about control of women, about control of our bodies, about taking our control of our own bodies away, about taking our autonomy and our privacy and our agency away, taking our choices about what we can do with our lives away.” At the end of the video, she advocated for giving money to abortion funds and bail funds.

Watch the video above.