Watch A Security Guard Take ‘We Cry Together’ Literally While Kendrick Lamar Performs At A Recent Concert

Kendrick Lamar has provided multiple headline-worthy moments over the last few weeks since embarking on The Big Steppers Tour. Whether it was his crown of thorns and advocacy for women’s rights at Glastonbury Festival 2022 or vaudeville at a more recent concert, he has left the people with plenty to talk about beyond the music. This past weekend, the Compton rapper showed just how emotional his music can make the listeners as a show attendee film a security guard crying during a Lamar set.

The TikTok, posted to Twitter, shows the security guard standing to the side of the stage Lamar is performing atop. As the video zooms, the guard can be seen wiping tears from his eyes and joining the “Silent Hill” artist in singing the line “I’m like a exit away” from “Love” featuring Zacari. The song, one of the more endearing records from the Pulitzer Prize-winning album Damn from 2017, understandably has that effect on those who hear it but the conviction in which the security guard sang it shows there may have been a deeper effect on him than most.

Music is beautiful, after all, and no one should run from the emotions it evokes. Obviously, the security guard was on the job and could not run, but the sentiment remains the same.

Check out the video of the security guard crying during Kendrick Lamar’s performance above.