Drew Carey Spilled The Tea On A ‘Price Is Right’ Contestant Who Was (Literally) Tripping On ‘Shrooms

While some people go on game shows to flex their knowledge or make money or just to get on TV, most people do not go on game shows while on drugs. Do you really want to stand in front of America during prime time if you aren’t in the right state of mind? Probably not. Which is why The Price Is Right isn’t on prime time, it’s a daytime show, so all bets are off there!

Drew Carey, who has been hosting the show for almost 18 years, says that he has seen it all. More specifically, he’s seen people in all different types of states, including those who are tripping on shrooms.

In an interview with TVInsider, Carey was asked about the “over the top” type of contestants. He has seen a lot of them. “Oh, that happens here all the time. They’ll have a gummy or I’ll smell alcohol on their breath. Not unusual,” he began.

Then he went even further. “There was a guy here that was tripping on mushrooms. He came with a bunch of friends. He was a sketch [comedy] guy. I found out later when I went to UCB [sketch improv theater, United Citizens Brigade] to hang out, and they were like, ‘Did you see that guy who claimed to be a skateboarding rabbi?’ I asked him what he did for a living. And he goes, ‘I’m a skateboarding rabbi.’ He didn’t think he was going to get picked, and he totally tripped.” Carey did not say if the contestant ended up winning a game of Plinko.

Luckily, Carey says he wants to stick around for a while. “I do have a goal: I want to keep going until I die. This is my 18th season. I’ve got to get the 35 and 41 so I can catch Bob Barker and Pat Sajak.” Nobody will be catching up to Pat Sajak anytime soon…he’s going to be a star!

(Via TV Insider)