This New Service That Sends Anonymous Emails Is The Most Terrible/Wonderful Idea Ever

My first job out of college was at a cubicle farm with a bunch of other young people who were also out of college. At some point, my coworkers and I came across a website where you could send anonymous tips to people from a pre-written assortment — everything along the lines from “you have pretty eyes” to “your body odor is terrible” — and of course we had an absolute FIELD DAY with it. I think at some point a manager had to intervene and then the website thankfully got shut down.

A new service called Leak, however, is letting you not just send anonymous tips to people, but entire emails — which is the bestworst idea anyone has ever had. The service’s terms and conditions, which are quite lengthy to say the least, prohibit any kind of defamatory remarks, harassment, profanity, or obscenity, and generally just kind of suggest that the service should be used for good and not evil. PUH-LEASE. If I had had this at my last job I probably would have “leaked” to half of my coworkers about what rancid turds they were.

Here’s a sampling of presumably suggested leaks supposedly sent from users:

We’re officially enemies but I wanted to say that you did a great job on our last project.
From a coworker.

You’re the sexiest and hottest manager I’ve ever had.
From a coworker.

I think it would be good for the company to make more parties with the team.
From a coworker.

Booooring. I can only imagine the kind of emails that are actually going through this thing. I give it a few months before it gets shut down by the Department of Homeland Security.

(Via Jezebel)