Back in June, Colombian women took to the streets to promote their new found joy of pole dancing, and their countrymen put down their rifles and giant bags of drugs and started waving dollar bills around. Soon after, the rest of South and Central America took notice and joined in the fun, endorsing what we have long associated with fake breasts and C-section scars as the latest exercise fad.
Well much like an underground cocaine lab in a Tom Clancy novel, pole dancing exploded throughout South America and this past week the 2011 South American Pole Dancing Championship took place in Argentina. A dozen or so women traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to first witness the 2011 Pole Dance Argentina contest and then compete for the continental title. Argentina’s Maria Luz Escalante was the big winner of both events, as I assume she blasted Buckcherry and made her ass clap on that pole. A very warm With Leather congratulations to Miss Escalante, who will go on to compete at the World Pole Dancing Championship, which I assume takes place at Charlie Sheen’s home.
Alas, I bring bad news for fans of our own American pole dancing. Via the U.S. Pole Dance Federation’s website:
USPDF has decided not to host amateur regional competitions this fall 2011 due to various projects and some positive re- structuring. We’re is holding off with our next competitions until the spring 2012.
Well, at least it was written like a true pole dance champion. Viva Argentina after the jump!
UPDATE: Apparently the whole event didn’t take place on the set of Hostel, so I added some more pics.
(Images via the AP.)