Check Out The ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer Recreated With Footage From The Original Trilogy

It’s only been a a week since Disney graced the world with the first teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but we’ve already had a ton of fan reaction. People have done fan art, gotten tattoos, and we’ve been overwhelmed with a series of fan trailers featuring LEGO bricks and several famous directors.

This newest trailer that’s making it away around the web might prove that we’re running out of steam, but it also proves that nostalgia just keeps moving in a circle. It takes clips from the original trilogy and syncs it up to the action in the newer trailer, creating an experience that can be both lackluster and exciting. Much like the first six movies, right?

I feel that it starts off a little rough, even though I love Tusken Raiders, but then it soon brings back the joy of watching those earlier movies. Once the music swells and the Falcon flies again, you’ll probably be sold.

(Via Dr. Jimmy Russell)