Could The Kool-Aid Man Really Survive Running Through A Brick Wall?

The Kool-Aid Man is the bane of perfectly good brick walls adjacent to doors that would open just fine if he’d only try the knob first. And is it even safe for a talking pitcher of sugar water to be smashing through brick walls anyway? Vsauce3 made a video seeking the answer.

Could the Kool-Aid Man smash through a brick wall and survive? Short version: OH YEAH!

Long version: A six-foot-tall glass pitcher filled with Kool-Aid would weigh about 11,000 pounds, and the glass would be incredibly strong (for the first smash through a wall, anyway). Vsauce3 provided a helpful breakdown:

The video then breaks down why smashing through brick walls is probably a bad idea at any weight. As it turns out, what the Kool-Aid Man does in the commercials is harder than it looks, something we already learned from Andy Dwyer.

kool aid guy

kool aid guy 2

The Kool-Aid Man is large and resilient enough to smash the bricks, but the real trick is keeping his precious sugary innards from spilling out during impact, while also preventing debris from contaminating his delicious blood. Dang I want some Kool-Aid right now. Do they still make Purplesaurus Rex? Of course not, because Kool-Aid Man tramples my dreams like he smashes my walls. Without mercy.