Sean Hannity Calls On Trump To ‘Purge’ The U.S. Government Of Any And All Who Don’t Support Him

Sean Hannity’s allegiance to President Trump knows no bounds, and he delivered an on-air counseling session to his pal tonight. In doing so, the Fox News host urged Trump to fire all of the “Obama holdover” government bureaucrats — of the “deep state” — because he believes that it will soon be impossible to do so without severe public backlash. He stated that it’s the right time for Trump “to begin to purge these saboteurs before it’s too late.”

“Deep state” happens to be a favored new buzz term from the right-wing and/or Trump allies. They use the term to insinuate that there’s a “covert resistance” within the government that’s trying to destroy the government from the inside out. Pretty paranoid stuff.

Hannity then urged the president to follow Abraham Lincoln’s example — often an effective way to catch Trump’s attention — by jump-starting a mass exodus, which would include canning “anyone and everyone who’s actively working against him in government.” Well, we already know that Trump fully subscribes to the bonkers conspiracy theory about Obama staging a “silent coup,” so it wouldn’t be surprising if Trump thought Obama’s staffers were lobbying against him as well. Basically, Hannity’s urging an all-out war on those who don’t fall in line with Trump’s ideology.

Hannity further advised the president to follow Bill Clinton’s example (he immediately fired all U.S. attorneys), rather than that of George W. Bush (he waited until his second term to do so, and folks freaked out). Hannity’s very upset about the “leaks,” which he believes are coming from those darn-fangled leftover Obama staffers. Once again, Trump and his associates are more upset about leaks than any actual wrongdoing by anyone.

Finally, Hannity plants the theory that Obama strategically increased access for these employees before he left office, all to plant the seeds of his nonexistent coup. “It’s time for the Trump administration to begin to purge these saboteurs before it’s too late,” Hannity insisted. Will Trump take Hannity’s suggestion seriously? He had to have been watching.

Also on Thursday, Hannity tweeted a request for WikiLeaks to “confirm instances where the CIA used Malware to ‘Attribute’ cyberattacks to other nations? Possibly Russia.” Hannity is referencing how WikiLeaks published CIA documents, and he’s trying to say that the CIA made up the whole election-hacking business by Russia via a malware injection. Yes, he’s going there.