Watch Little League Star Mo’ne Davis Drop Defender With Slick Crossover

Mo’ne Davis (photo. rockonfreekybro YouTube)

Philadelphia’s Mo’ne Davis was the breakout star of the Little League World Series. The 13 year-old phenom became an overnight sensation by setting a host of LLWS series records while helping Pennsylvania to the domestic semifinals.

More impressive to us than her baseball exploits, though, is this clip of Davis the point guard breaking the ankles of a defender – a male defender, of course – from 2010.

Yeah. Let’s take another look at that:

[protected-iframe id=”319eaa1f78b0a38b44a77e0d1f57064f-60970621-84525852″ info=”//″ width=”480″ height=”320″ frameborder=”0″]

Those are next-level handles for any 10 year-old. Given her dominance on the mound, let’s just say Davis’ skills on the hardwood don’t surprise us. But that certainly doesn’t make video of them any less enjoyable.

(Video via Rockonfreekybro)

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