GIFs: Nick Collison And Steven Adams’ Statuesque Pregame Handshake

Remember that goofy pregame routine LeBron James used to do with the Cavs before heading to Miami and getting all I gotta be serious to be a champion? Or the secret handshake between Jeremy Lin and Landry Fields when they were in New York? The Thunder have a pretty famous pregame handshake routine going back a few years, but they have to adopt new practices with new players, specifically rookie Steven Adams.

Adams, OKC’s first round pick in 2013 has only been around for a year plus. Nick Collison on the other hand is the longest tenured Thunder player on the team, going all the way back to Seattle, where he was drafted in 2004. With a long history of pregame hijinks and routines already under his belt, Collison has started one with the mustachioed Adams.

One where they freeze like statues as they’re shaking hands and lock eyes for a couple seconds before letting go. We like it because its different from most of the complicated high-fives and jumps you normally see.

In this one from last night, even Kevin Durant has to wait his turn as the Kiwi and the Kansan have their tranditional pregame stare down.

(GIFs via reddit)

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