LeBron James Has The Perfect Idea To Fix His Receding Hairline

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The (d)evolution of LeBron James‘ hairline has the been the source of endless memes over the years, with amateur social media sleuths carefully chronicling his ongoing efforts to conceal its aggressive recession via strategic headband placement. For one brief shining moment, said headband even had its own glorious Twitter account.

Fortunately for LeBron, he’s developed a healthy sense of humor about it over the years. He decided to shave it all off after the Cavs lost in the Finals last spring, raising concerns over whether he might be in the throes of a Britney-Spears-like public meltdown, but he later assured us that wasn’t the case.

In fact, it seems like he’s feeling pretty good about things, especially since reuniting with his old pal Dwyane Wade, whose own recent hairstyle upgrade has garnered him some attention lately. At the gym on Friday, LeBron took to Instagram to joke about being jealous of Father Prime’s comparatively luxurious coif.

There’s a lot to love about this video, especially the Richard Jefferson video-bomb, not to mention LeBron’s idea to simply Velcro his beard to the top of his dome. It’s just crazy enough to work.

The main takeaway here is that the Cavs’ famous camaraderie appears to be in full-swing heading into the season.