LeBron James May Be Reminiscing About His Miami Days But The Heat Don’t Expect A Return

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Wanting to party in the city where the heat is on, LeBron James for the last few days, has spent all night on the beach till the break of dawn in Miami. And like any person on vacation nowadays, James posted about his exploits in Miami on social media via his Instagram account.

But while that Instagram post from James is a rather typical one, his next post was a tad bit more nostalgic, as he rode by the American Airlines Arena — home of the Heat — on his boat. That conjured up some old memories and feelings for James as he thought back to the team that he won his first two championships with and spent the most successful four year run of his career.

While James may be fondly reminiscing about playing in a Heat uniform along his friends Chris Bosh and Dwyane Wade, according to the Miami Herald’s Barry Jackson, there has been no indication that the superstar forward would ever return to Miami. James is a free agent next summer and Jackson reports that the two main teams linked to him are the Cleveland Cavaliers and Los Angeles Lakers, with the Heat remaining on the fringes.

From Jackson:

Let’s look at next summer’s top potentially available names. LeBron James’ Instagram posts Saturday might raise hopes among some Heat fans of a James return, but the Heat does not believe James has serious interest in returning, with the thought that he will stay in Cleveland or go to the Lakers.

This is of course just one report but James’ exit from Miami seemed to leave some bitterness between he and Pat Riley, so it does seem highly unlikely that LeBron would decide to take his talents to South Beach yet again. On the other hand, anything could happen but for the present, James plays in Cleveland and Miami is only a vacation destination.