Report: NBA Players Who Leave The Bubble League Without Permission Will Have ‘Reduced Compensation’

One of the questions that still exists about the NBA’s proposed bubble league in Orlando is the ability that those on the inside will have to leave. While there have been reports that individuals can move freely within the bubble and do things like golf and dine at Disney properties, staying confined to one area for several months has the potential to get pretty old, pretty quickly as we all have learned recently.

As such, there is a concern that exists about what happens if a player/coach leaves the bubble, especially if it is under circumstances that are not approved by the team. Shams Charania of The Athletic gave some insight into what will happen if someone leaves without prior approval, and as it turns out, it’ll cost them some money.

The reported self-quarantine isn’t new, as it has been reported in the past that 10 days and a pair of negative tests will be required. Losing out on money, however, is a new one, and it seems like the goal is for that to deter players from wanting to leave without permission. The testing is a matter of how invasive the tests will be, as the ones Charania laid out here for those that leave would go far back in a person’s nose to swab for the virus, as opposed to less invasive testing the league is exploring as options for the regular testing.

It is unclear what sort of circumstances will lead to a player getting permission to leave the bubble, unless going to other Disney properties counts as leaving. Regardless, this is all a start and shines some light on one of the major questions hanging over the NBA’s proposed restart.