Now You Can Learn How To Make The Best Burgers From ‘Bob’s Burgers’

The burger of the day special on Bob’s Burgers is a repository of great pop cultural burger puns. How many of us have longed for the Pepper Don’t Preach Burger, the Chipotle Off the Old Block Burger, or the Bohemian Radishy Burger?

Andrew Rea, the chef behind Binging with Babish, has been blazing through iconic pop culture recipes from some of our favorite movies and TV over on YouTube. Now, Rea has finally found time to attempt some of Bob Belcher’s best creations and it’s making our mouths water.

First things first, Rea doesn’t just get any old ground chuck to make his burgers. No, no. He does it Bob’s way by dicing then grinding beef short rib and chuck roast. There’s no corners cut and respect to Rea (and Bob) for that. We also get a pretty solid home cooking tip when Rea clues us into freezing the food processor blade and meat for to help with the grind. Bob would be proud of that ingenuity.

Rea went all the way back to the beginning of Bob’s burger making life. Little Bob’s first burger was the Baby You Can Chive My Car Burger. The little burger chef sells it as “sour cream, chives, and little fried pickle wheels that make it look like a car!” Rea puts his burger together almost identically with the exception of adding in a little feta into the burger patty. Which, again, mouth watering. And, we have to say, the burger looks pretty tasty compared to the animated original.

Next up is the Bet It All On Black Garlic Burger (also known as the Stupid Black Garlic Burger). It turns out to be a tasty burger with a nice black garlic sauce but not as exciting as the final burger — Bob’s infamous Meatsiah.

The Belcher matriarch, Linda explains this as “beef tartare, inside a burger — medium well, inside a burger wellington.” Which sounds oddly mouth watering. Rea ends up making two versions of the Meatsiah to figure out the best way to cook beef tartare safely inside a beef wellington burger. It turns out you have to refrigerate the tartare to hit that sweet spot of edible.

Watch the whole video for all three recipes below.