The word “foodie” has become, much like “vape” or “vegan,” a word that makes most of us involuntarily cringe. Sure, foodies aren’t necessarily awful people, but you brace for the worst. One Redditor, however, has had enough and is taking revenge on his “foodie” brother-in-law in the most passive-aggressive way possible.
The Bostonian Redditor, going by the delightful sobriquet MBTAhole, is soliciting opinions on the worst restaurants in the city to pack his irritating brother in law, and presumably a sibling he doesn’t enjoy all that much either, off to. Bostonians, being a tribe of people who love to gripe about restaurants, contributed opinions in droves, ranging from storied local eateries near tourist haunts to a surprisingly involved argument over the worst McDonald’s in the area.
But “the worst McDonald’s in the state” isn’t the only hellhole on the menu. Other attractions include Italian restaurants where the food tastes like it was “scraped from a Chef Boyardee can,” an eatery which will allegedly inflate your bill while you eat, and an oyster place which The Boston Globe once likened to an assassin when President Obama placed an order there.
Check out the thread for some excellent (read: terrible) suggestions. Suffice to say, where there are tourists, you’ll rarely find the best food a city has to offer, and this is as true of Boston as it is in any other city. If you’d like to know what restaurants you should go to, we’ve got your back
(via Reddit)