Obviously, working out is super important if you want to stay alive. Whether you’re doing back bends with goats or running like Eminem, you’re doing big things for your health. But do you know what’s also super important? Treats! And sometimes striking a balance between guzzling rainbow donuts straight out of a unicorn’s butt and forcing one foot in front of the other on the treadmill can be really, really hard — which is exactly what makes this survey comparing the hashtags #gym and #dessert massively valuable.
The website fitnessgoals.com spent God knows how long scouring through 300,000 Instagram posts to tell us which states prefer donuts over dumbbells.
First of all, they found that the state/territory that tags their Instagrams with “#dessert” most frequently per 100,000 posts is Washington D.C. which will likely lead to some weird conspiracy theories. Our own theory has something to do with DC’s coveted brunch and the fact that mimosas and lemon scones get the benefit of the hashtag but shouldn’t really count as dessert.
Second behind DC is New York, which isn’t really surprising considering the sheer number of Instagramming bodies in New York.
Third place might come as a shock, with Nevada posting nine photos per 100,000 with the hashtag #dessert.
New York and Nevada also rank first and third respectively among the states using the hashtag #gym most per 100,000 (likely trying to make up for all the dessert they eat, snap, and share.) Sandwiched between them is Florida where people probably feel pressure to look good because they rock beach bods year round. Also old people love tagging their Instagrams “#gym” and there is no shortage of old folks in the sunshine state. (That part is made up and thank God because it would be so frustrating teaching all those people how to use hashtags.)
If you’re the type of person who would choose ‘zerts over the gym in a lame-o game of Would Your Rather, it appears you’re in the minority. According to Fitness Goals, the only states that use “#desserts” more often than “#gym” are New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, and Oregon.