Last year, we gnashed our teeth and bit our thumbs when it was revealed Taco Bell’s best idea in, like, ever: nacho chips made out of chicken, weren’t going to be available in America. Work chat rooms around the country with erupted with strings of “WTF!!!” and, we’re certain, more than one person called Taco Bell’s 800 number to let them know that this kind of injustice would not stand. Now, Taco Bell has corrected the error of their ways. The chicken chips are coming. And they’re coming soon.
According to Ad Age, which incorrectly claims that “no one” had asked for such a menu offering, the chicken chips are coming to a Taco Bell near you on May 11th. Not only will they be warm (we hope), golden-brown (we hope), and triangular (they’d better get this right), but they’ll also come with a nacho cheese dipping sauce which will be delicious and make you feel like you’re doing something you’re not supposed to. Dipping chicken in cheese? Your cardiologist will say it’s wrong, but it’ll feel so, so right.
And let’s be real, we needed this new menu item now more than ever. With Taco Bell cruelly yanking the Naked Chicken Chalupa out of its stores only seconds after giving it to us, we deserve to drown our sorrows in chicken shaped entirely like something else. What next, Taco Bell? What next?