James Franco Will Teach A High School Film Course, And Totally Pull A James Franco

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you James Franco. Mr. Franco announced this past Friday that he will be teaching an eight-part film course at Palo Alto High School.

And he’s totally pumped for students to sign up. See? See him below there?



The class will have twenty-four slots, open to grades 9-12. The goal? To produce a film that will, hopefully, be shown at a film festival. Students will be required to fill out a basic application form and will also have to record a one-minute cell phone video that explains why he or she would be a good fit for the course.

The application form also hints at the teacher being somewhat of an A-lister:

“The teacher is a very well known director and actor supported by a team of professionals.”

Let’s not forget, though, that Franco is a qualified teacher, as he’s received a great film education, he’s taught at NYU and USC and he’s, well, an Oscar nominated actor. So, students, strap up the ol’ hipster boots, put on the spring break shades and start filling out this form. James Franco totally wants you in his class.

(Via THR)