As the days dwindle and the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens looms closer, more and more information is coming forward about the film from Disney. The latest juicy piece of information is centered around the apparent conflict in the New Order – with the schism between the Sith and The New Order representatives. General Hux (played by Domhnall Gleeson) has a contentious relationship with the agent of the Dark Side in this film, Kylo Ren.
Gleeson told Entertainment Weekly, “He’s kind of opposite Kylo Ren. They have their own relationship, which is individual and unusual. One of them is strong in different ways than the other. They’re both vying for power.”
This is not the first time that there has been a conflict between the two parties. There has been many instances of conflict with the Imperial brass and the disciples of the Dark Side, mainly because the view from the Imperial elite is that the Sith are practicing some type of ancient spiritual nonsense.
However, this usually leads to that same unenlightened member of the Empire receiving an incredibly forceful chokehold at the hands of the same expert of the Dark Side. Hopefully, these two can get along, but the potential for ruthless political backstabbing is absolutely enticing.
(Via Vulture)