Now that the official trailer for Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice has been released, we have more ammunition to speculate with wildly! Success! We learned a lot from the preview, but is there anywhere else we can turn to find more information about the plot? Truth is, we can look at the last Zach Snyder movie, Man Of Steel, to which Batman V Superman acts as a sort of sequel.
The connections between the two movies lead to some interesting questions. One of the biggest clues that jumped out is seeing General Zod’s dead body from Man Of Steel. Lex Luthor is clearly channeling his inner Dr. Frankenstein as he seems to turn Zod into Doomsday, another big bad from Batman V Superman. We also know that the over-the-top destruction from Man Of Steel led to hatred of Superman in both Bruce Wayne and Luthor. But is that really enough for Batman to take up the mantle again? He strongly states in the preview that he’s willing to go to war with Superman over the devastation he brought to Earth. Although they didn’t appear in the trailer, Aquaman and the Flash also play a role in the new movie, and rumor has it that the seed for Aquaman was planted in Man Of Steel. Maybe one of all those destroyed buildings accidentally killed a goldfish, which will lead him to also rise up against Superman.
What links have you noticed between Batman V Superman and Man of Steel?