We found out on Thursday two potentially important bits of Game of Thrones-related information:
- HBO may attempt to extend the series beyond seven seasons, even though ending it there has been — to date — the stated intention of showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss. At the very least HBO president Michael Lombardo says there will be “a conversation.” One that will feature many large gold-filled burlap sacks with dollar signs on them, presumably.
- HBO is not a fan of the whole “end the story with a big blockbuster Game of Thrones movie” idea, because “the format switch could be construed as snubbing their loyal subscribers.”
Anyway, as he is wont to do in these situations, Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin weighed in on his blog. From his post, we learned two more bits of Game of Thrones-related information. One, that he also has no idea when the television series will end, because there are entirely too many variables out there for anyone to know at this point. Fine, great, understandable. But the second and more important thing we learned is that George R.R. Martin still appears to be very much in the #TeamMovie camp:
Sure, I love the idea. Why not? What fantasist would not love the idea of going out with an epic hundred million feature film? And the recent success of the IMAX experience shows that the audience is there for such a movie. If we build it, they will come. But will we build it? I have no bloody idea.
He went on to say that his is just one of the voices in the decision-making process, and that “in the end, all that matters is that we tell a great story, with a great end,” but if the idea of giant dragons laying waste to entire communities on IMAX screens around the country tickles your fancy, you may have a powerful advocate in the room.