A Lot Of People Are Just Now Learning What Mia Goth’s Real Voice Sounds Like

Mia Goth is having A Moment. But that Moment unfortunately hasn’t translated to box office success. Outside of 2015’s Everest, a movie that have no memory of her being in, Goth hasn’t appeared in a single film that’s grossed over $30 million.

That’s unfortunate, because X and Pearl were fantastic, and Goth is mesmerizing in Suspiria, High Life, and A Cure for Wellness. Her “provocative” new movie, Infinity Pool, won’t break any box office records, but it’s having a cultural impact. It not only gave us this Alexander Skarsgård photo, it’s also a lot of people’s introductions to Goth’s voice.

Have a listen, courtesy of Jake Hamilton:

“ppl always get so surprised about her voice like i’m sorry but why would you expect someone with the name mia goth to sound like anything but the ghost of a murdered victorian child,” @slaystarroyco tweeted, while @MilesKlee joked, “Mia Goth’s real voice is a jump scare every time.” She sounds like the option on a voice changer app for “English mouse asking for more porridge in the early 1800s,” and I, for one, love it.



This might be the best one:

Don’t get distracted by her voice, though: she makes a good point about horror movies. “I think that it’s very political, and it’s not entirely based on the quality of a project, per se,” she said about the Oscars failing to take horror seriously. “I think there’s a lot going on there. A lot of cooks in the kitchen when it comes to nominations … and categories that are recognized… I think a change is necessary, a shift should take place. If they want to engage with the wider public, it would be of benefit, really.”

Infinity Pool is out this weekend.