15 Band Tattoos No Music ‘Fan’ Should Ever Have Willingly Inked On Their Bodies

Last week, the talk of the tattoo world was everyone’s favorite Chris Brown who isn’t a former-running back for the Houston Texans getting a tattoo of a beaten woman on his neck that looked an awful lot like Rihanna. The controversy RAGES on, but let’s divert the attention over to another a tattoo-related group: people who’ve had artists and bands inked on their precious bodies.

If it’s modest or not the Rolling Stones lip logo, a tattoo of your favorite band can be kind of cool. However, the images collected in this post are not cool. They’re of tattoos of less-than-spectacular bands, and Staind.

(Banner via)




Sick Staind tattoo, bro. (Via)


That is horrifying. (Via)








