According to Kiss This Guy, the five “funniest misheard lyrics ever” are, in descending order, “Like a virgin touched for the thirty-first time” (Madonna’s “Like a Virgin”), “Now bring us some friggin’ pudding” (“We Wish You a Merry Christmas”), “The algebra has a devil for a sidekick” (Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody”), “See that girl, watch her scream, kicking the dancing queen” (ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”), and “Might as well face it, you’re a dick with a glove” (Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love”).
After watching the video from Pleated Jeans below, which compiles some of the common mistaken song lyrics, I’d like to nominate “The white man has the power,” from the Doobie Brothers’ “What a Fool Believes,” to the list. Same for “I would beat off a guy” from “Blue (Da Ba Dee),” even if it TOTALLY ruined Eifel 65 for me.
It’s worth nothing that there’s no mention of Pearl Jam’s “Yellow Ledbetter.” No one knows what the hell is going on there. “I don’t, I don’t know where’s there’s a boxer in a bag”???