Chrissie Hynde Managed To Go On ‘Conan’ Without Saying Anything Controversial

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Former Pretenders singer Chrissie Hynde hasn’t been able to appear in public recently without saying awful things (like this, or this, or this). As such, her appearance on Conan, in which she managed to breeze through without causing a sh*tstorm, is worth celebrating (also the things she did talk about were pretty cool).

Check out her talking on the beginning of punk up top.

“The punk thing in London made it look like I could slip through the net and get in a band. Because no one could play then so I thought, ‘This is my moment.'”

Hynde also talked about how MTV changed the perception of bands and made looks more important.

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“We hated it. And we weren’t comfortable because we thought when we got in bands you could just be ugly and be in a band…you didn’t have to worry about how you looked so much. Suddenly it was videos and everybody got right in your snout.”

Hynde also gave a pretty great performance of her song “You Or No One.” And yet, nary a single comment about rape or sexual assault. Way to be, TeamCoCo. Way to be, Chrissie.

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