Miley Cyrus Reveals That Donald Trump Apparently Loved Her MTV VMAs Twerk With Robin Thicke

2013 MTV Video Music Awards - Show
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In the same New York Times profile where she promised a very raw MTV VMAs experience, Miley Cyrus also revealed a little tidbit that I think got glossed over and lost in the shuffle of bare nipples and Beetlejuice fashion choices. Mainly that one Donald J. Trump was a fan of her butt-shaking VMA performance with Robin Thicke, so much that he called her after the performance:

I was in the studio with Kanye [later] that night, and we watched it back and we didn’t say anything. He was like, “That was sick,” whatever. We woke up the next day, and he was like, “Whoa.” He called and said, “Turn on your TV.” I was staying at the Trump Hotel and Donald Trump literally called and said, basically, “I know everyone’s talking about it, but I loved it.” I had no idea anyone was talking about it yet.

Even people around me really judged me. People that I really loved and thought were my friends judged me for it. They were like, “You were on drugs when you did that performance.” I did nothing! I still don’t get it.

Should we be shocked that Trump was a fan? I would argue no. Not that he isn’t a Christian, a Presbyterian, and a fan of The Bible. He’s also a fan of honesty and there’s not much more honest than shaking your rump in front of some weird Canadian who raided Tim Burton’s wardrobe. She laid it bare, she’s a good egg, fair, and Trump likely digs that.

That or he knew she was staying in the hotel, wanted to see if he could rub off some of the attention, and then use it for his gains. That’s like chapter eight in Art of The Deal. Don’t be surprised to see Trump’s entire cabinet made up of celebrities and people who are trending at the moment. Miley for secretary of interior, Hulk Hogan for labor, Charlie Sheen for health and human services, and of course, Palin for VP.

Robin Thicke can probably get some work in there too because the world is going to need ditch diggers if we’re going to get America back on its feet. That, or he can go back to Canada because of President Trump’s new immigration decrees.

(Via New York Times)