When 21-year-old Jacksonville singer YK Osiris challenged Drake to a boxing match, the older rapper laughed him off in his Instagram DMs after Osiris realized he’d likely be outmatched against the taller, heavier, stronger opponent. Osiris has been passing the time in quarantine challenging his contemporaries to friendly bouts. He previously matched up with New York rapper and peer Lil Tjay in a fight the two streamed live to their fans. However, he may have jumped weight classes a bit reaching out to Drake, but was good-natured enough to share the DM exchange with fans on Instagram.

“I’m trynna box u now,” he joked in the DM, before rescinding the challenge later. “I’m jp u gonna beat df out of me.” Drake’s reply was magnanimous, giving Osiris credit for realizing his mistake. “Least u know your limits,” he laughed. However, while Osiris likely won’t get to trade blows with Drake anytime soon, he does have some possibilities lined up. After his fight with Lil Tjay, he threatened Tekashi 69 for trolling in the comments of an Instagram post about it, saying “I’ll knock u out.” Unfortunately, he may need to find himself another opponent, as Tekashi is still on lockdown, completing his shortened sentence for racketeering on house arrest, and Osiris’ planned bout with Trippie Redd was canceled due to external interference, according to Trippie. YK is still looking for a fight, though.