People keep trying to sell souvenirs from Coachella on Ebay, but rather than shirts, hats, or other normal merchandise, these would-be sellers have tried to rake in the big bucks by purporting their wares to be of a rarer sort than the usual. Last week, someone tried to sell a half-smoked blunt from Childish Gambino’s weekend one performance and was promptly shut down by site security. Now, a new seller is trying to move a different kind of grass — namely the kind growing on the mountaintop where Kanye West held his weekend two Sunday Service.
The original listing, features a shot of the questionable commodity inside a plastic bag being held up in front of a shot of the ongoing Sunday Service in the background and asks for a $65 starting bid. Even more hilariously, copycat posts have cropped up from other sellers, each offering “Grass From Sunday Service Kanye West” at prices ranging from $7.90 to $405, with some even using the same photo from the original listing.
America is the land of opportunity and the prices for Kanye’s official merch have prompted some observers to declare the whole Sunday Service enterprise a shameless grift, but this is bordering right on the edge of ridiculous. “Everything is for sale” is a widely-used adage about the power of commerce over common sense, but if it’s going to get this literal, it might be time to really reconsider the merits of capitalism altogether.