Reports from earlier this month claimed that Donald Trump associates were helping Kanye West land on presidential ballots in states like Vermont, Arkansas, and Wisconsin. Well, it appears Kanye could have used more assistance in Wisconsin, because the state just barred Kanye from appearing on its 2020 presidential ballot.
The Wisconsin Elections Commission, a bipartisan panel consisting of three Democrats and three Republicans, voted 5-1 against Kanye appearing on the ballot due to late qualifying paperwork. The commission determined that Kanye did not file his paperwork on time, an assertion that Kanye’s attorney challenged. He said Kanye had until 5:01 p.m. on August 4 to file, but Wisconsin state law says candidates must file nomination papers “no later” than 5 p.m. on that date.
Commissioner Julie Glancey said (via Politico), “When you’re late, you’re late. We’ve knocked people off the ballot for being one signature short. If we are holding their feet to the fire on the number of signatures, we need to hold their feet to the fire on the time they file.” Commissioner Dean Knudson also noted, “Five o’clock is five o’clock. Maybe I’m just common sense and not a lawyer.”
All this comes not long after Kanye was seemingly dissed by Michelle Obama and after he left Kirsten Dunst confused.