Quavo Pens A Beautiful Tribute To Takeoff: “You Are OUR Angel”

After Takeoff was tragically killed in Houston last week, family and friends gathered at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena on Friday afternoon for a celebration of life for the late Migos rapper. While the life celebration was large scale in nature at the 21,000 person arena, it was still private and closed off to the media. So today, Takeoff’s uncle and band-member in Migos, Quavo, shared his heartfelt and beautiful tribute to Takeoff.

“It’s so hard to tell you Ima miss you because you always with me and we did everything together,” Quavo wrote on Instagram. “This whole time I’ve been trying to figure what you really are to me because nephew wasn’t it. We hated that word “nephew” or when they said “Unc and Phew” cuz we always knew we were way closer than that and it made me feel old too. But I knew you weren’t my brother cuz you are my sister’s son, so I couldn’t say brother. Now I finally get it… you are OUR angel watching me and watching us this whole time in living form making sure EVERYONE FELT UR LOVE AND HUGS while u here and u made our dreams come true.”

For all of the downright emotional moments in Quavo’s eulogy, there were equally as many words that’ll make you smile. He spoke about their mutual love of pro wrestling and how Takeoff, “Imitated all the wrestlers so good.” And he also encapsulated Takeoff’s whole aura with a simple anecdote: “Whenever we would be running late to the shows He would always say ‘God will get us there on time.’ Some shows God did, some shows we were late. Point is he trusted God though.”

Read Quavo’s complete tribute to Takeoff via his Instagram below.
