Back in January, comedian Freddy Scott released a popular parody song entitled, “This is a Trent Reznor Song,” and yesterday he doubled down on the hilarity with a hell of a music video. Scott called the song a tribute to one of his “musical heroes,” as he pretty much nailed the Nine Inch Nails frontman from looks to sounds in this wonderful song and video.
Normally, I don’t suggest that you dive into the comments on a YouTube video, as I always do that myself for your sake, so if you came here to point out that Scott’s song is just a parody of “Copy of A” and not an actual statement on Reznor’s entire of body of work, plenty of other people have already pointed that out. So check your critiques and worries at the door, sit back, and just enjoy something funny that a pretty funny guy made for all of us to laugh at.