Jung Kook Is Asking The BTS Army To Stop Ordering Food To Be Delivered To His House

Jung Kook of BTS has mad love for the fans, known as the BTS Army. While the K-Pop boy band is on hiatus serving their mandatory time in the Korean military, the boys have been keeping fans fed with solo music. Fans all around the world are showing love to BTS as individuals and as a group, even if they won’t hear new music from them for a long time.

But perhaps, there may be such a thing as loving something or someone too much. Today (May 4), Jung Kook took to WeVerse to ask fans to stop ordering food to be delivered to his house.

Translated from Korean, Jung Kook wrote, “Don’t send home delivery food. I won’t eat it even if you give it to me. I’m thankful, but I eat well. You can buy it yourself.”

While it is remarkable that some fans were able to track down Jung Kook’s home, he reminded the army that two can play at that game. He warned fans that if this continues, he will take some sort of legal recourse.

“I beg you,” Jung Kook continued. “If you send it one more time, I will check the receipt order number you sent and take action. So stop it.”