Meet Glenn Timmerman: The Guy Who Is Covered In Chicago Bears Tattoos

Last night, I called a buddy of mine who is a pretty big Chicago Bears fan and I asked him if the name Glenn Timmerman rang a bell and he said no. Actually, he said, “Was he the punter in the 80s?” But he hadn’t heard of him, so I asked if he was familiar with the “Tattooed Bears Fan” and he replied, “Ohhhh, that dude’s nuts.” I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this guy.
Timmerman, above, is a lifelong Bears fan with a deep appreciation for tattoos. It started with a Bears tattoo on his arm. Next, he shaved his head and had the Bears logo inked on the back of his dome. Next up was a giant Grizzly on his shoulder, and then he made a decision that hurled him into the annals of fanatic insanity. On October 16, 2005, Timmerman met former Bear Otis Wilson and asked him to sign his body – a creepy-yet-harmless-enough request. Timmerman then drove straight to his favorite tattoo parlor and had Wilson’s signature inked into his body permanently.

That was No. 1. He now has 126 autograph tattoos on his body, including current players like Lance Briggs, Brandon Meriweather, Matt Forte and Johnny Knox. He also has plenty of legends and guys that shouldn’t have their signatures on anything but job applications to Wal-Mart. Nevertheless, Timmerman is the living definition of a super fan, and he’s only 8 autographs away from having his wish list complete. Those 8?

1. Gale Sayers
2. Doug Plank
3. Wilber Marshall
4. Matt Suhey
5. Tim Wrightman
6. Mike Brown
7. Jim McMahon
8. Jay Cutler

First and foremost, what I actually admire about Timmerman’s efforts is that he’s 100% honest about it. He doesn’t just pull a guy’s autograph from a catalog or Google search and get the ink, otherwise he wouldn’t have a “Top 10 Most Wanted” list (the 9 and 10 spots are just question marks). Secondly, he has already met and asked McMahon for his Hancock and Timmerman was turned down. That’s just rude. But I expect that from McMahon because he’s always seemed like a dick. But Jay Cutler? Disappointing.
After the jump, you can check out a sample of Timmerman’s best inks, but I think it’s time for a Twitter campaign to help Timmerman – who is married, sorry ladies – get Cutler’s signature. I believe in the new, improved J-Cutty. This needs to happen.
That’s former Bear Robin Earl, who is not a permanent fixture in the den… I hope.
McMahon denied him. The jerk store called…