Shahbulat Shamhalaev, the Bellator MMA season seven featherweight tournament champion, was shot in his native Dagestan on Wednesday. According to a report from Russian site Ndelo, he was shot multiple times while at a restaurant. More information from Bloody Elbow’s Karim Zidan, one of the best sources for Russian MMA news, added:
Being told Shahbulat Shamhalaev was shot five times in Dagestan yesterday. One bullet in the head. In emergency care now. Details to come.
— Karim Zidan 🕊️ (@ZidanSports) June 1, 2016
Shamhalaev was attacked in a local restaurant in Makhachkala. Went to make peace following altercation previous day. Got shot for his effort
— Karim Zidan 🕊️ (@ZidanSports) June 1, 2016
According to Ndelo and Zidan, Shamhalaev underwent surgery, resulting in the removal of one kidney. Otherwise, he is apparently in stable condition.
Shamhalaev went into surgery around 4pm (Moscow time). Report is that one kidney has been removed & that he is in stable condition.
— Karim Zidan 🕊️ (@ZidanSports) June 1, 2016
On the Ndelo site is a video that appears to show part of the shooting. Thankfully, the angle doesn’t show any graphic content.
Most unsettling is the fact that the gunshots don’t incite any type of reaction in the restaurant. People aren’t fleeing in droves, there’s no widespread panic. Very bizarre.