If you’re like me, one of the your favorite things to do when watching Bob’s Burgers is to look for the clever puns in the Burger of the Day they’re offering each week. While the chalkboard visual gag offers the writers an opportunity to make recurring jokes incorporating pop culture references and puns each week, most of the burgers sound pretty damn delicious, too — The “Onion Ring Around The Rosemary Burger,” the “Sympathy For the Deviled Egg Burger,” or the “Free To Brie You And Me Burger” to name a few. Since we’re all hungry now, let’s take a look at 20 that we’d like to try.
1. Thank God it’s Fried Egg Burger — Season: 1 Episode: 6
2. Poblano Picasso Burger — Season: 1 Episode: 8
3. The Sound & The Curry Burger — Season: 1 Episode: 10
4. Neither Fish Nor Foul Burger (100% Beef) — Season: 1 Episode: 12
5. Papaya Was A Rolling Stone Burger — Season: 2 Episode: 4
6. It’s Fun to Eat at the rYeMCA Burger (Comes on Rye, w/ Mustard, Cheese & Avocado) — Season: 2 Episode: 6
7. Little Swiss Bunshine Burger (comes on a buttered bun) — Season: 2 Episode: 7
8. Poutine- On The Ritz Burger comes with Poutine fries — Season: 2 Episode: 8
9. Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Zucchini Burger — Season: 3 Episode: 3
10. We’re Here ,We’re Gruyere, Get Used To It Burger — Season: 3 Episode: 3
11. Grandpa Muenster Burger (10% Senior Discount) — Season: 3 Episode: 12
12. Don’t You Four Cheddar Bout Me Burger (comes with four kinds of cheddar) — Season: 3 Episode: 14
13. The Cauliflower’s Cumin From Inside The House Burger (comes with cauliflower and cumin) — Season: 4 Episode: 2
14. A Leek Of Their Own Burger — Season: 4 Episode: 4
15. Bohemian Radishy Burger — Season: 4 Episode: 7
16. Winter Muensterland Burger (with Muenster Cheese Side of Snow Peas) — Season: 4 Episode: 11
17. It’s Only Sourdough Burger (But I Like It) — Season: 4 Episode: 14
18. I Fought The Slaw Burger (And The Slaw Won) — Season: 4 Episode: 16
19. To Err Is Cumin Burger — Season: 4 Episode: 18
20. Parma Parma Parma Chameleon Burger (with Parmesan crisp) — Season: 4 Episode: 20