David Letterman Invited Jay Leno To Appear On One Of His Final Shows

With one month to go before his final night as host of The Late Show, David Letterman is closing deals left and right for his final guest list. Many have already agreed to appear on the show during its final days. However, it seems a few names have popped up regarding those who haven’t said yes or no just yet.

Like troubled former NBC Nightly News host Brian Williams, who often appeared on the program to talk shop with Letterman. He famously cancelled his last scheduled appearance when his Iraq War reporting brouhaha first made waves.

According to the report, Letterman has asked Williams to make a visit at some point during his final days on The Late Show. Williams has yet to respond, so there’s hope he’ll show up. But the big announcement concerns the name of a former host of The Tonight Show.

A recent rumor suggested such an offer had been on the table for some time, but Letterman’s pending retirement has seemingly sped up the process. The new report adds an additional bit of truth to the matter as well.

Despite the history of bad blood between the two, it’s not that unlikely of a scenario. After all, they appeared together in a 2010 Super Bowl ad for Letterman’s show featuring Oprah Winfrey as moderator. Hatred is strong, but comedy (and money) is stronger.

(Via Twitter)