Here’s Why Everyone Is Freaking Out About Tonight’s ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

All your high school friend’s older sisters? They’re WRECKED over what happened on tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy, which, yes, is still on, and yes, is still super popular. It’s the According to Jim of still-watched shows. Anyway, after 23,038 seasons, Patrick Dempsey has finally left the doctor series, and his character, McDreamy, was written off by getting hit by a car.

Dempsey’s character was hit in a car crash on the April 23 episode, leaving his wife Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) deciding to take him off life support.

Rumors of Dempsey’s departure have been swirling recently. This season, his storyline sent him to take a job in D.C., cutting his screen time significantly. The actor also spoke on record about exiting the series, telling the Portland Press Herald in November that he’d be leaving “very soon.” Before the fatal episode aired on Thursday, an Entertainment Weekly article confirming Dempsey leaving the show leaked, further fueling the fire. (Via)

In summary:

R.I.P. McDreamy. R.I.P. the sex life of anyone who sends that to their crying husband or wife.

Via: Variety