A ‘Cops’ Crew Member Was Shot And Killed While Filming An Armed Robbery

A 38-year old crew member for the Spike series Cops was reportedly shot and killed while filming an attempted armed robbery at a Wendy’s in Omaha, Nebraska last night. According to the Los Angeles Times, Bryce Dion was struck by a bullet during a shootout between three Omaha police officers and the 32-year old suspect who was allegedly holding up the fast food restaurant in question at the time. While Dion was wearing a bulletproof vest, he was struck in an exposed area. The suspect, 32-year old Cortez Washington, was also killed, as both were pronounced dead at the hospital.

Omaha Police Chief Todd Schmaderer addressed the media in a press conference, and explained that Dion and Cops cameraman Michael Lee had accompanied two officers to the scene, where they met a third officer and entered the Wendy’s. Witnesses said that Washington fired upon the officers first – with an airsoft pistol, according to the L.A. Times – and he was then shot multiple times as he tried to flee the store, through the same exit that Dion was reportedly standing near.

John and Morgan Langley of Langley Productions, the company that makes Cops, were both at the press conference and spoke about their employee of seven years.

“We want to make sure Bryce is respected, and we want people to know he was a great guy and a hard worker,” Morgan Langley said.

John Langley said “Cops” is a true reality show, meaning “it happens as it happens.”

“That is our highlight and our low light,” he said. “We train our guys and do provide them bulletproof vests,” he said. (Via the L.A. Times)

Schmaderer said that the security footage from the Wendy’s has been taken as evidence, as the investigation into this shooting is ongoing.