The Best Moments And Most Repeatable Lines From The Kickass ‘Always Sunny’ Season 10 Finale

The Always Sunny season finale (Wait, what? Goddammit!) started with Mac and Charlie in a cult, but ended in familiar fashion.

Dee did not care for the Ass Kickers messing up her apartment.

This all turned out to be a by-product of a Dennis scheme.

Once Dee and Frank saw how easy it was to influence the cult…

… they made their own additions to the cult rules.

This led to Mac’s crisis of faith.

Dennis did not approve.

So, more rules were formed…

… which Frank and Dee again countered.

Even though the apartment got fixed, Dennis still needed to demonstrate his dominance.

Frank showed his.

In the end, the Reynolds confessed their treachery, though no one told Jojo.

He’s in a better place.