The Greatest Generation gets plenty of praise and special treatment for a good reason. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be a little annoying or overbearing with their requests at times. Somehow they find a way to switch their televisions off of the input for the television or forget how to work their thermostat, forcing you to swoop in and look like a genius. Some folks need that in their lives, but others could use a break just to get away.
That’s where the Amazon Echo Silver comes into play, a little creation featured on SNL that is formatted specifically for those confused and stubborn members of the Greatest Generation. It has built in replies for rambling stories, the ability to connect to all those smart devices your grandparents don’t know how to use, and programming that allows it to recognize any name that is anywhere close to “Alexa.” It’s also super loud, meaning they’ll still be able to hear it above the television volume that plagues the neighborhood dogs and cats.
Also, it matches those classic wood grain items that folks already own from the old days. Put it on top of that old record player stereo or antique dresser, right next to the pictures of your kids and those really old photos that look like they’re haunted.
The best part in this sketch is that folks still act like they’re smarter than the smart device. My grandfather wouldn’t be happy until he tried to feed the thing some Brer Rabbit molasses and lecture it about visiting a country that has banned gun ownership.
(Via SNL)