The Best Of Last Night’s ‘Archer’ And A Discussion With Executive Producer Matt Thompson

Production Note: Executive Producer Matt Thompson will be dropping by at 1PMest to answer questions and comment on last night’s episode. Please direct all questions @Matt and load up early.

Even with all the cyborg action on Archer I’m coming to the conclusion that Sterling is actually the most indestructible of all. Multiple gunshot wounds (kicked off with a teenage gut shot), Tinnitus, breast cancer, and now a tainty poisonous snake bite? For a guy whose top three fear is a brain aneurism he sure does sustain a lot of other scary injuries.

But it was all worth it because we got alligator hallucinations, the many definitions of “gurp gork,” and so many movie homages it made me regret not waiting to put this together. And oh yeah, Sterling kinda/sorta/almost remembered who his dad is. No one saw this coming.

Loads of notes, as always. Let’s get to them.

  • “You’re all over the road here.” Heaven Can Wait, The Natural, It’s a Wonderful Life, and even Pulp Fiction homages? Wow. I haven’t been keeping score but this has to be a new record.
  • “Lewis and/or Clark” is definitely my favorite and/or so far this season.
  • “A sticky-fingered people, the Greeks.” – This will be recycled.
  • I love everything about graduating from man hands to clomp feet.
  • “Strongly opposed” was a Few Good Men shout out, right? Right?
  • Duh? Just a solid all around Ray usage episode.
  • Archer’s bucket list FTW.
  • In case you need to familiarize yourself with James Mason, cut rate or otherwise.
  • Thoroughly enjoyed Archer eating county fair food throughout the flashbacks.
  • Bilbo’s dead? When did this happen?!
  • Not sure how I haven’t wondered this before, but who does kid Archer’s voice? Please tell me it’s H. Jon.
  • And did anyone else get a strong Lee Majors vibe from Archer’s dad flashback?

Pop Culture Reference Count: Rat Patrol, Empire Strikes Back, Janice Joplin, Davey Crockett, Flintstones (second of the season), Buck Henry, and the aforementioned film homages. Pam has something for this:

Chet Manley GIFs on the next page as to not crash too many browsers. Let’s make Matt forget about Vulture mistress.

That’s just good AT-ATing.

For a little NSFW-ish something for the ladies, click here.

This is exactly how Roy Hobbs celebrated if I remember correctly.

As Chet so eloquently put it, “Second best wedding of the night.”

Classic Woodhouse.

Dammit, Cyril! The man is trying to remember who his real father is.

Until next week when we finally meet the Bastard Chef…